Sophie K.'s Blog

At the end of the day comes another morning!

Facing Ruthless Modern Life

Life has become harder throughout the years, especially for young people. Education as well as work are more challenging now and real friends to rely on can hardly ever be found. All those aspects describe only a small part of the variety of difficulties that many people neglect to be enhardening. However, are they right?


The first point to look at would be education. As scientific knowledge has improved dramatically, also the curriculum at school had to adapt and enlarge. In addition, teaching methods have changed giving more information in shorter time, leaving no time for comprehension, time which then has to be sacrificed from leisure.

Working-life has become harder, too. Especially the competition for jobs has increased, as more people are living on this planet, but also due to the fact that machines take over many tasks.

Besides that, the balance from those two parts of life given to you by friends and family vanish. Time is spent with smart phones instead of people and those who are looking for social connections will find themselves relaxing the few free minutes they have as our fast spinning world doesn’t grant any more.


Overall, taking into consideration that not only school- and work-life have become harder also their balance given by friends is lost. Therefore, trying to stop this development has to have our highest priority.

Image: pencils (CC0 license); phone vs. love (CC0 license)


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1 Comment

  1. chickinator

    Dear Miss Waldhauser,
    I tried to get somewhere close to the word boundary of 190 words, however I simply didn’t manage that. After all, my text counts 225 words now. Would you know which sentences I could sratch?

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