In today’s world the question whether to live alone or with someone has become more and more significant than ever. Unmarried people not wanting to stay with their parents a whole lifetime face a hard decision even though the choice is actually not that intricate…

As it is hopefully not misunderstood, living collectively with someone doesn’t cost anybody’s independence. The partners are not stuck together; each of them can live their own life, simply under the same roof which brings many more other advantages with it.

An example would be the relief of high costs. When splitting up the bills, half the amount of money can be saved as for instance the lease for flat, electricity or heating. Hence it doesn’t only need less capital but also takes up not as much energy.

Furthermore, the probably most important aspect of not being alone has to be mentioned. Humans are group-living animals; so being together brightens up everyday life no matter if it is about laughing, helping each other or simply enjoying.

Altogether, living with somebody else aside you will not reduce your independence, but save money and bring welcomed social companionship to you. Always consider what it would be like to endure alone in this far, far world.

Image: goldfish