Sophie K.'s Blog

At the end of the day comes another morning!

Preserve our Cinema Feeling!

Less people seem to value going to cinemas for watching the newest movies just when they are released anymore. They rather fancy seeing the specific film a few weeks later at online platforms as for instance Netflix. However, is that really a good decision?

At least one pro argument is the cost-factor. Cinemas are rather expensive. Of course also platforms like Netflix are needed to be paid for, yet, for the money you invest to see one film in a movie theatre you could also finance one month of Netflix.

However, at home usually the quality of the motion picture is way worse than the original which can be seen at a cinema where large screens and better loudspeakers than any television could have are available.

Last but not least the probably most important thing about a movie is only given when watching with other people – the cinema feeling. This is what you experience when people laugh at the same time as you do or when you’re able to sense the tension throughout the whole cinema hall. It is what makes up the pleasure of watching a film.

Altogether, despite the high cost something to prevent the loss of the cinema feeling has to be done!

Images: Netflix Logo certain rights reserved; cinema hall certain rights reserved


All alone out there?


The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains


  1. Forestdweller

    In general you managed to write a decent text. Your first and last sentence, however, feel overly complicated and inelegant. Please change them.

  2. chickinator

    I changed the first paragraph as well as I rephrased the last sentence a little. I hope the text is better now.

  3. trinittydh

    I´m not really a huge cinema fan, but I do go only when the movie still isn´t out. I´m more of a staying at home movie person because I like being able to sit there in my pjs and being able to get snacks for free. The cinema is just really expensive sometimes, it´s only the food too. Hey check out my blog at @

  4. chickinator

    I actually also only hardly ever go to the cinema, even though I like it in general, as I just watch the movies I know are good. That would especially be the screening of fantasy novels I read or action film series like James Bond or Mission Impossible which I then try to see as often as possible (I went to the cinema 3x to watch James Bond Spectre). I usually don’t care about the price due to the quantity of cinema vouchers that I somehow always collect.;-)

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